Monday, March 30, 2009

Kids' Obesity Solution

Have you ever noticed how much the school buses stop to pick up the kids these days?

I mean, really! My hubby tries his best to get out the door for work before 2 buses pass our house. If not, he cannot avoid them stopping about every 3rd house for most of his 20 minute drive to work. That's what happened this morning. We both saw the 2 buses come and go then we looked at each other and did one of those smirky annoyed kinda-smiles.
We both thought at the same kids ever have to walk to and from school bus stops anymore? Those buses stop for each kid at their houses. I am not talking about kindergarten young kidos or those with special needs but those older ones.
They got it good.
Not to date ourselves, but we had to do lots of walking to and from those bus stops waaaaaaaay back when. But, for them...nope. No walking needed. Except from the bus to the car. Even when they are called to walk, oh, about 500 feet, their parents are out there to pick them up.
I have a long time nieghbor friend who had to walk to and from her bus stop every day. That walk was a mile and a half. She went to a private school where her bus had to go to many different towns in a small amount of time. For her, that bus could not and did not get any closer to her house than a mile and a half.

So, my hypothesis is to get those kids walking again and have them trek the distance to the ol' bus stop down at the corner of the street.

My hubby encouraged me to make a disclaimer here. This post that I wrote is NOTHING against heavy/ above average/ little bit chunky type of kids. It's just something that I have noted and was a bit well, slightly peeved about.

Rob, you got this? I have just written a post for you this friday- your 'pet peeve phriday' post!

What is this picture, you ask? I have no idea, do you ?! What are they gonna come up with next?!
Anyway, I think I'll take a walk today.
God bless,

1 comment:

Rob said...

I'll take porky kids who don't move/walk/run etc.....and only play video games not real my list