Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The struggle

I have been thinking a lot about how I am teaching my children. As my prior posts have stated. I wonder about how I teach them not just what I teach them.

Are my words and actions leading them a step closer to Christ
or a step further away from Christ?

Today, I have started out our school day a little bit different. Instead of being so rigid in getting this, this, and that done BEFORE the baby wakes up from his morning nap, I am letting them just take their time.

Why does it surprise me that they are enjoying it more that way?

I struggle with trying to get certain things done in a very small window of time, because I know full well that we may not get to it at all or if we do, it will not be done properly or with sufficient focus and attention.

I guess that is what we all struggle with, right? Homeschooling should be no different.

But today, I am letting go a bit. I am seeing them doing things the way they want to do them, not the way I am telling them to do it. Yes, there is obedience to their directions in school work, but I am reminded that there also has be expression and individuality in their work. That which makes theirs, theirs. That which sets it apart. Unique in their own way. Something for them to be proud of because of their decisions.

So what if St. Raphael has rainbow colored wings? So what that St. Gabriel has blue hair?

Sometimes us moms, (uh, me, that is) gets so wrapped up in things that have to look right or be done right, according to me. This is squashing their potential to be what God created them to be. Unique.

I need to allow them to blossom full of their life of innocence. They are so pure, not exposed to all the horrors of life. And I like that. They like that. And I know God likes that. I do not shelter them from ALL things, just some things. And I like that. Alot. Being a parent, I am in charge of what and when they can be exposed to certain things. Not the world, for the most part. There are instances that some things come sooner than I hope for, but I use those as teaching moments at that time. I do not brush it off. That is life.

So, what does this have to do with schooling?

A lot I guess! I have been reminded that in school too, I have to let their innocence flourish. Not to be so rigid with what I think the right way of doing things is, that they cannot bloom. I have 6 rosebuds here that are on the verge of blooming and I pray that they become the beautiful flower, so unique, the way God created them to be.

And for me, I need to get out of the way. Big time.

*UPdate 2 hours after I posted this...after thinking some more about what I wrote here, what I do want to add is that I feel so blessed to be able to homeschool and make these decisions daily. I do not take it for granted. Thank you God. It is said that the things that are really worth it are those that are the hardest. Guess that means, I am on the right path to holiness!
I also want to mention that the days that I concentrate on virtue in our house, such as love, charity, forgiveness, calmness, gentleness, honesty and joy and all the many others- that those are the days that God will love more so than those that I have been able to check off 10 pages of mathematics, 5 of phonics, learning 250 new spanish words..you get the idea!**

So, folks, my deep thinking is back! (So, I guess that means I have been sleeping better, eh?!?!)
Have a blessed day. Happy Feast day of the Archangels!!! May they protect us from the evil one.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.
God bless,

*update: my daughter may have or may have not gotten the chicken pox. She had some spots but surely NOT like my other 5 children-they were covered! So, she may have gotten a mild case or nothing at all. She was put on an anti-viral agent to help build her strength to fight off the pox b/c of her possible outcome that could have happened. Praise God it did not! Thanks be to God! We will do some follow up blood work in a few months to confirm if she did or did not get the pox. Thanks for praying and asking!

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