Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Feast of St. Maria Goretti

My girls LOVE this Saint-esp. my oldest. She is a true role model for girls (and women too!). Do you know about this saint?
October 16, 1890Maria Goretti was born in Corinaldo, Italy to Luigi Goretti and Assunta Carlini.
Then on July 5, 1902, Maria was mortally wounded by her neighbor, Alessandro Serenelli, who attacked her with intent to do something very bad to her (if you get my drift....uhm...). He was 20 years old. In her struggle, she told him of the truth that what he was to do was a terrible sin, and that hell would be where he would end up. She did not hesitate to tell the TRUTH, costing her her life.
Then on July 6, 1902 Maria died at the age of 11 years, 9 months and 21 days, after forgiving this man, Alessandro. Did you get that? SHE FORGAVE HIM! What a saint!
She was a martyr before her 12th birthday-wow!
The really cool thing is that one night he had a dream or vision of Maria and she was gathering flowers and offering them to him. With that dream, his life changed. When he was released after 27 years (he was sentenced to 30 yrs), his first act was to go to beg the forgiveness of Maria’s mother.
Oh, St. Maria Goretti, pray for us!
On June 24, 1950 Maria Goretti is declared Saint!
She was so very chaste and pure and beautiful too, such a role model for us girls and women today.
May we imitate her love for God and for neighbors.
St. Maria Goretti, pray for us!
God bless, Mary

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