Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Boys are such knights

Kid #3 was running down our driveway early yesterday morning to help bring the trash cans in. Little did we or he know but our driveway was covered in black ice. He hit it hard on the back of his head. Since then he has not totally been himself. Occasionally he will be himself (and act up ha ha!) but mostly not. I gave him Tylenol yesterday with some relief.

So, today as he wandered around the house or laying on the couch acting so not like his normal self, I gave him some more Tylenol, sent him to bed and called the doctors.

I checked in on him and mentioned that I am waiting for the doctor to call me back. He questioned me:

"Mom, are they going to chop off my head?"

Apparently the boys have been reading and listening to a little too much

King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table

Please say a little prayer for little Kids #3, thank you very much! :)

God bless,

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