Monday, October 4, 2010

St. Francis, pray for us!

This is a special is the feast of St. Francis of Assisi!

Since he is our patron saint of our school year (along w/St. Elizabeth Ann Seton), we are really going to really do it up today :)

I printed out these coloring pages
and HERE.

We've also been learning about birds, fish and mammals during science the last few weeks.  We do have a little field trip at the end of the week to store!  haaa!  Cheap and really fun-the kids are esctatic about going there and the zoo....I figured it is a whole lot cheaper and closer so...why not!?!?

Since it is feast day, we are going to do a few crafts today using all those toliet paper rolls that I've been saving:
The Bald Eagle

The Woodpecker

The Octopus

Another Octopus craft

And of course we will celebrate w/a cake topped w/ icing and little animals-the kids always look forward to making AND decorating AND eating the yummy cake!

Best go.  Lots to do today! :)

St. Francis, Pleas Pray for us!

God bless,

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