Monday, August 31, 2009

The day has finally come, I think.

Could it be? We may have a nasty visitor with us for a while. We'll have to wait around and see within the next day or 2....and hopefully will find out at the doctor appt. for early tomorrow morning. If it is true-just imagine...6 kids with it going around from one little body to the next little body to the next one. If it is going to happen, I pray it passes quickly and not a week between children. Do you have any idea how long we will be quarantined for? Oh dear. Please, I could use some prayer.... or 2....or 50! Thanks a bunch!
God bless,


Maurisa said...

It could be up to 21 days between children, but likely, if you have one with it now the rest will all get it at the same time. With our 6 we've had only two bouts of the pox and we are now finished with it, unless we are blessed with more babes down the road. Some will have it worse than others. The older ones will typically have a worse case than the littler ones--higher fevers and more miserable. Best wishes and prayers too!

sam said...

let the kids place dot to dot in the tub with calamine pink lotion. Lots of movies, oatmeal baths, and books on tape...see if you can find the brady bunch show on line when all of them had the pox!!! Prayers your way...great lesson in offering it up!+JMJ+