Thursday, December 16, 2010


We are recovering, thank You God. 
What a whirlwind it has been.

Today we've had some welcoming change-our First Snow of the winter season 2010!

My kids were so excited and even much more b/c they were well enough to enjoy that inch or a little more of it!  We have a little hill in our backyard-it is perfect for them to get real tired on-perfect for sledding down and hiking back up only to sled donw again and then hike back up to sled down get the drift!!!

I am anxious to see if all this fresh air and outside exercise is going to help our little sleepers sleep a whole lot better!??!?  I'll keep you posted on that one...I do hope so, very much so.

It's so nice to be blogging about some better things other than complaining...I am sorry about that.  I needed to vent and I hope you did not mind too much! 

This crazy computer and blogosphere is my link to the outside world lately, as our road to Bethlehem gets less bumpy!

Today was great.  Lots of white snow lighting up our inside of the house, lots of hot chocolate to keep those insides warm, lots of little bowls of warm/hot water for those freezing hands after snow time, lots of fresh air, lots of hugs to keep them warm, & lots of love.

Here are some pics.

God bless,


Kerrie @ TFK said...

Looking at your pictures makes me both yearn for snow and to live back in the woods again....*sigh*

Mary @ Cheerios said...

Awe...thanks! The pics were so fun to take too. We don't actually live 'in the woods' but we have plenty of woods in our backyard area-which my all my kids absolutely love so much. Snow is great, esp. the first snow-right?!? or at least the first few snows! haaaa haaaa
God bless,