Wednesday, December 10, 2008

This Family Tested-Mother Approved

One thing that I have been thinking so much of lately is....ta da...TOYS! With Christmas up and coming very very soon...I am tempted to buy so much that is out there pounding on my doors "Let me in!" they say. Well, it is one thing to just buy a toy but will it last in our family, in our house....uhm..longer than 12 hours?! (Yes, I know it's not all about the toys, people...but c'mon you know it's so fun! Yes, we do remember it is all about Jesus!)

If anyone out there works for a toy company that you need some kids to test toys to see if they like them, or if they break in uner 12 hours, please do email me.

I promise you that we will not disappoint you! I've got 6 kids under 8!

So, let's go Playskool, K'nex, Fisher-Price, Little Tykes, Step 2, Parents, Hasbro, LeapFrog, Melissa and Doug... go ahead, email me....ok?

I wonder if I will get this job....hum....
One can dream, right?

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