Friday, December 19, 2008

Just for Today (and maybe more...)

There are some things in life you just need to let go of. "Pick you fights" I am told. Here are a few of those "fights" I am in no shape to pick today:So, go ahead little buddy, dig in...yes, you can play with plastic bags and no, not on your head but as sacks? Yes! You bet. Yes, you 2 boys can play with water in 26 degrees outside and get this- without gloves! Yes, you can decorate our Christmas tree even though we do not have our lights on it yet.
...And then this happened... and off they go...
THANK YOU GOD for snow! The absolute perfect timing! God is so good!!! (please say a little prayer for my hubby driving home in it-it is snowing like a blizzard out there. thank you!)
God bless,

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