Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It has begun!

We couldn't take it any longer....

We started our CAT tests today!  (We ordered them from Seton-click HERE).  So far the kids are doing wonderfully (proud kido, proud momma!) and I think we'll be done with them by tomorrow!

My big kids know that this means the end of their school year officially and my littles get to watch movies all day.  And Momma is done too!!! :)

So, everyone is HAPPY!!!

God bless,


Tina Marie said...

I never test the kids, but I probably should. My kids get to watch movies too when school is out. They get to watch mostly educational stuff from the library.

I also want to let you know that I really like your blog and I want to nominate you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Just follow the link and you will see what you have to do. God Bless.


Mary @ Cheerios said...

Hi Tina Marie, Thanks so much! I have never been nominated before. Thanks! I will look into it.
God bless you,
Mary @CHeerios