Saturday, August 27, 2011

St. Monica, pray for us!

St. Monica, pray for us!
St. Monica

My oldest and I were able to get to daily Mass this morning and what a glorious day to go!!!  The feast of St. Monica-yet another one of my all time favorite Saints.  We also have a little girl having a name day too today!!! :)  Her middle name, but nonetheless wonderful! 

My children like learning about this Saint and how she had such virtue of perseverance in praying for YEARS AND YEARS for her husband (who was full of such temper and violent) and her wayward son (you may know as St. Augustine!: )  Yes, her terrible son turned Saint ~her son!!!

Her life gives mothers such hope! 

Thank you St. Monica for never giving up, for living a life of joy in the midst of turmoil.
Thank you for praying for us, mothers. 
Help us to do all for the Glory of God~ remind us to live a life of selflessness and of great love,
being the heart of our home.
God bless,

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