Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I've got ENERGY! Yeah!

I have not felt nauseous yucky sick in 2 days!  I am about 17 weeks now...technically that should have stopped at the 3 month mark but just like my last 2 babies and now this one, it went strong till the 4th month and a little over! 

AND I must have my energy levels somewhat back too.  This morning as I was thinking of the day, I knew we needed to get out and do something fun, away from the house.  The past 2 weeks were soaked in super record high with heat and humidity so that left us not much else to do besides the pool.  Actually, some days were so bad we did not even make it to the pool. 

But today was different.  The new parish we are going to has all day long adoration on Tuesdays.  During my short and not very focused prayer time with coffee this morning, I felt Jesus nudging me to go.  By the end of that short prayer time, I was compelled to go.  He told me:  "Bring the children to Me".  Simple as that.  He said he needed them and needed to tell them something.  What that something was I have no idea.  So we went to Jesus.  I told them just what I wrote and they were very intrigued to find out what Jesus had to tell them too.  We prayed a decade of the Rosary to ready our hearts, minds and souls to encounter Him.  It is only a short 8 minute drive and we were there. 

We showed up alright.  I think the others noticed but I did not noticed if they noticed since all I noticed was to make sure my children were quiet! ha ha!!!

So our visit lasted only 5 minutes.  Whoop de do.  Oh how I wish it could be longer but at the 5 minute mark, my baby and my 3 yr old started gulping loudly and saying eachothers' names.  Then my 6 yr old son said "But Mom, I did not hear what Jesus had to say to me.  All I heard was 'errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" (that was the A/C)."  I tried very hard to hide my giggles and told him to go back in for a few minutes and we'd wait for him outside of the Chapel.  In he went, and 1 minute later, out he came.  "Mom, again all I heard was 'errrrrrrrrr'!"   H A!!!

What could I say to that?  Right.  Nothing but smiled and off we left.

I told them if they were good at Adoration, that we'd head to the really cool park w/a resovior and trails and we'd go for a hike.  We love to hike as a family.

So, then we went hiking.

What joy and fun we had!!!  Each found a good walking stick and off we went.  We hiked along the water-but far enough inland that I was not nervous.  It was so pleasant outside-only about 85* and not that humid at all.  We crossed over some creeks and walked on rocks.  We collected some rocks and leaves and bark to bring home to show Daddy.  We...well,  uh-hum...I (!!!) found 2 frogs hopping around and the kids were estactic!  They love to catch frogs!

I told them if they were good at hiking, that we'd head to the pool afterwards.

So, then we went to the pool.

What joy they had there too!  My daughter finally got to go in the pool and swim around like a fish.  I bought her some crazy bright orange ear plugs to make sure she does not get anymore swimmer's ear.  She as a bit hesitant (what 8 yr old girl wouldn't be?  it's not quite the in-thing to wear!!!)  so I quickly added that I would wear one too to make her at ease.  She liked that idea so I got to sport an orange ear too and we laughed about it :) and she quickly forgot about them too.  She was just thrilled to swim around finally.  According to my 9 yr old son, this was the perfect day outside with the weather b/c he could actually take a deep breath in and feel like it was a good breath before jumping into the pool!  I agree totally!!!

That is it.  That is my morning, my day so far.  Oh, I guess I could add in that I slept really well last night, unlike the previous night!  So, I guess that had something to do with it!!!

Hope you are enjoying your summer too!  School is just so close, I am trying to make the most of these days.  I think we succeeded today, at least!

God bless,

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