Tuesday, May 4, 2010

School today~outside~nature studies

Overheard my 6 yr old bug-savvy boy say to his new found catepillar friend:

"Don't worry, little buddy.  I'm a friend to all animals and creatures, big and small."



We also had the privledge of finding a robin's nest full of 3 blue eggs yesterday and were so surprised by seeing a 4th today!  Incredible!  The nest is low enough that most of my children can monitor it and check in on their little eggs every chance they get ...or remember.  It is quite cute and I bet St. Francis is proud!  We decided to try to keep quiet and watch as the mother robin kept coming and going bringing little twigs or whatever she found to her little nest. 

At one point, my daughter yelled out...

"Mom!  I think the momma robin is having her baby!" 

We read about the robins HERE and colored some pics of nests and robins HERE.

We also read THIS book about birds and THIS one about catepillars :)

I love this nature studying for school today.  And since it is raining now, I am really glad we got so much fresh air learning and coloring and drawing about catepillars and robins and their eggs this morning, all morning long! :)

God bless,

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