Sunday, December 27, 2009

Were we really like this?

Today our weather is unseasonably warmer than usual-it is 46* right now and was 53* this morning!

My hubby is ambitious to take the children on a bike ride today and said it would be perfect timing for me to get dinner ready and tidy up the school closet. I thought it was a good idea too!
(You can see I am doing just that right now, right?! heeee heee).

I did convince my kids that they do actually need their heavy coats on. And I hid some hats and gloves and passed them over to my hubby on his way out. As I watched out the window, to my amazement my 5 year old son is without a coat and just a sweatshirt. .."But Mom, I don't need a coat~I'm not cold!" And also my usual skirt/dress wearing daughter also says "But, Mom, I don't need to wear jeans~I'm not that cold."

Was I really like this when I was young?

Oh, the pains of motherhood.
"Are you sure you are warm enough?" I yell out, hoping they would run right in and acknowledge that I may know a thing or two and just maybe I am right.

Instead, they all hopped in the van and drove away.
I KNOW that they are not going to be warm enough and I know they will be C-O-L-D!

Someday they'll learn...maybe when they have children of their own, I guess.

God bless,

1 comment:

Kerrie @ TFK said...

I just said that today too! Worse, I said it to my mom about my son. lol