Tuesday, March 6, 2012

If I were President...

(written as his English assignment by my 11 yr old son-I could not figure out how to download it so I typed it out...too good not to share, and yes, we are working on his grammar, so go ahead and read it anyway :)

If I was elected President of our country....I would make our country Pro-life like the Decloration of Independcedce said "All men our created equal!"  Not a 50 million, not 70 million, but All men are created Equal!  What good does abortion do?  NOTHING.  The Baby could change the Town, the State, Maybe even the Country!  It's KILLING People!  If Only people would listen!  This is not a free nation!  Abortion wastes money and someone's life!  I hope this Country becomes Free, but untill then, Pray and Hope!

God bless,

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