Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Green pancakes w/real syrup
Mass with my favorite 5 yr old little man
then to the store to buy the corned beef and cabbage
back to make coffee for 2nd time
and organized our library of books we have! (put quite a few in a box to donate)
ate some yummy turkey and ham sandwiches for lunch
got 3 trash bags of trash taken out
got 2 trash bags of things ( to donate
and...about 50+ VHS videos to give to a friend!

Phew!  That was a very productive morning, huh?

Now what?

About to put on our traditional Corned Beef and cabbage dinner and....
Getting ready for family confession!
Of course no big feast day of eating green things and wearing green would ever be complete with out doing a little coloring of our favorite picture of St. Patrick. 
You can find it  HERE.
And afterwards, if we can make it in time,
we might even get over to our local "40 days for Life" campaign and pray :)

Oh, did I mention it is a warm 76* and sunny outside today?  (Hey, you may be a slight jealous but...when you get this nice weather where you are, we'll be toasting in humidity!  So it all evens out, right? :)
It surely is not a typical Saturday where it is so nice outside that the kids haven't come in except for lunch and that leaves hubby and baby and me to try to organize and spring clean out our home.  Thanks be to God that HE is the one allowing this to happen.  Thanks God!

God bless your St. Patty's day,

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