Tuesday, August 17, 2010

And Sometimes...

Sometimes...you just have to stay outside in the hot and humid 93* while pregnant with the children and then you get to see your son catch a butterfly.

And then sometimes you allow your children to set up their school desk and make a sign that says:  "Butterflies for sale for $2". 

And then you smile.

And you are delighted.

And you are at peace.

And you are sweaty.

And you remind the children that they are in charge of making dinner tonight, even if it is 5:14pm b/c for a very long time this Momma has made dinner after dinner after dinner and they have not eaten it. 

And sometimes you allow them to make that creative crazy weird "I don't know what that is" dinner along with the 'safe' dinner of pasta and sauce.

And then you wonder if you will eat that stuff.

So, then you gently ask them if they'd be interested in making quessadillas and they respond with squeals and joy knowing that we'll all actually eat this dinner.

And sometimes this Daddy arrives home with questioning looks and smirks to his wife.

And you are happy.

And you are at peace.

And you say "Thank you Lord."

God bless,

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